Saturday, August 31, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 3

Page 3, 1849 Grain for hens
Page 3, 1849 Grain for hens

 Transcription of Page 3

1849 Grain for hems
Jan 1st         ½ bushel broomseed ground 0.31
      5th         1 bushel buckwheat ground    62
      15th 1 bushel broomseed    25
      23rd 1 bushel broom proved            50
Feb 1st         2 bushel                 1.20
        17         1 bushel proved [ILLEGIBLE]    62
March 1st 1 bushel ground broomseed    58
17         1 bushel                    58
31         1 bushel broom ground            58
April    29th 1 bushel b ground            58
May 11th         1                    58
22th                 1                    58
26th                 1                    58


  • $7.56 total income, $308.82 in today's dollars

Thursday, August 29, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 2

Page 2, 1847 July Grain Sold out of the mill
Page 2, 1847 July Grain Sold out of the mill


Transcription of Page 3

1847 July Grain sold out of the Mill

|| M. Abbot 1 bushel rye                                       1.12
+M. Ruaph Provende                                        X1.50
X James Beefrer % corn1.50 Buckwheat.50    X2.00
X Col Harwood 2 bushels corn                        X2.00
Col Harwood 2 bushels corn                               1.80
| M. Abbot 2 bushels [ILLEGIBLE]                   1.30
XStranger 1 ½ bushels corn                             X1.35
XM. Oeutt 2 bushels corn                                X1.80


  • Total value $12.87 (today's value: $493.69 in value today)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 1


Front Cover of David Sanders' Account Book
Front Cover of David Sanders' Account Book

These have been sitting on my shelf for years and I have been meaning to transcriber them  They are the account books for the flour mill my 3rd Great-Grandfather David Sanders had in Whately, MA,  I will do my best o transcribe them accurately but there are some words I just can't decipher and those will be marked with [ILLEGABLE] tag.  The front cover of the book had some writing on it, but it is to faded to read.  You will also see references to my 2nd Great-grandfather Benjamin Franklin Reed in the book.


Inside cover of the account book
Inside cover of the account book

Transcription of Page 2

Cash lent to B.F. Reed     For Shingles to Melham 12.50     For E H Weed fo corn 8.83 1848 Billing + Dwight           5.00 [ILLEGIBLE] for Mr Jenny  5.00 Mr. Field         13.20 G by cash $5.71 18.20                                                         5.71                                                         12.49 Lent to Sanders + Reed 25 ⅕         41         66 ½ Seend Wells D. To 105 inch 308


  • B.F. Reed is my second great grandfather
  • for 1848, You can multiple the dollars by 39.82 to covert it to a value in 2024 dollars.  Therefore the $66.50 lent to Sanders + Reed would be $2,648.03 today