Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Another Obituary for David Joy Wright



David J. Wright, one of the best known men in the Connecticut valley, died without warning this morning at his home on West street. He had been in his usual health and when he arose this morning he did not complain of any ill health.  About 9 o'clock he came into the house from the barn where he had milked the cow, and said that he felt a sharp pain in his chest.  His family was alarmed and sent for Dr. Collins, who came and administered treatment.  But at that time Mr. Wright's condition did not seem alarming.  Shortly after 11 o'clock he grew suddenly worse, an in the absence of Dr. Collins Dr. MacCormack was hastily summonsed.  But before the doctor arrived Mr. Wright was dead.  It is thought by the physician that apoplexy was the cause of death.

From end to end of the Connecticut valley Mr. Wright has been known for years.  He was a son of the late Asa Wright, who was for many years farmer at the state hospital for the insane in the city.  "Dave" Wright, as he was affectionately called for years engaged in the grocery business, hav-Spaulding, and Stockwell & Spaulding, and then bought out Stockwell's interest, the name being Spaulding, Wright & Sanders.  This business he carried on alone at the old stand, corner of Main and Pleasant streets, up to about 10 years ago, since when he has sold carriages from his residence on West street.

He has acted as auctioneer for many years and has sold more farm property at auction then any other man in the valley.  He was interested in agriculture, was treasure of the Agricultural society for a great many year, and attended more fairs up and down the region than any other man.  He was a universal favorite and had a cheerful word for everybody.

He leaves a widow and two sons, Edward and David, who are attending Amherst college, and a brother Charles of Haverhill.

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