Saturday, May 26, 2018

How I am related to Silas Putnam, and who was he? - Part 1

So I was curious how I was related to Silas and to find out a bit more about him.  This post will answer the first question and the next one will be more of a biography.

Silas Putnam was my 5th Cousin 4 times removed and here is how we are connected:

Relationship Name Birth Death Married to Comment:
My 9th Great Grandfather John Putnam (1579-1662) Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England Salem Village, MA, USA Pricila Gould(1586-1663) First Putnam immigrant to Massachusetts, between 1630-1640
My 8th Great Grandfather Nathanial Putnam(1619-1700) Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England Salem Village, MA, USA Elisabeth Hutchinson(1629-1688) Immigrated with his father
My 8th Great Uncle Benjamin Putnam(1664-1756) Salem Village, MA, USA Salem Village, MA, USA Elizabeth(1659-1705) Not sure of his tied to the Salem Witch trials, but he lived in Salem Village at that time and the Putnams where major accusers
My 1st Cousin, 8 times removed Isreal Putnam(1699-1760) Salem Village, MA, USA Bedford, MA, USA Sarah Bacon(1696-1760)
My 2nd Cousin, 7 times removed Tarrent Putnam(1733-1804) Bedford, MA, USA Newbury, VT, USA Mary Porter(1736-1772) Served in the Revolutionary War
My 3rd Cousin, 6 times removed Eleazer Porter Putnam(1758-1814) Danvers (was Salem Villiage), MA, USA Corinth, VT, USA Rebecca Smith(1760-1816)
My 4th Cousin, 5 times removed Israel Smith Putnam(1785-1835) Danvers (was Salem Villiage), MA, USA Sheldon, NY, USA Charlotte Stafford(1791-1861)
My 5th Cousin, 4 times removed Silas Safford Putnam(1822-1895) Hartford, NY, USA Dorchester, MA, USA Ann Maria Whitmarsh(1822-?)

As a side note, Silas was the 2nd cousin, 4 times removed of General Israel Putnam(1718-1790), who is the horseman pictured on the label of the Whiskey.  Israel was my 2nd cousin, 8 times removed.

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