Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Ervin Earl Putnam's World War I Diary July-August 1919

This post represents the last set of entries in Ervin Earl's World War II Diary.  In researching this, I have found a few photo that I still need to scan and add.  When I get the chance I will post them as well.
  • Saturday July 12th, 1919:
    • Received orders to go to Brest + and then home.  Leave tomorrow at 8 p.m. from Gare Montparnasse Arrived in Brest at 12-30 p.m. Monday.  Took a truck out to Portanenzen Camp Some different from last year,   Double deck bunks again with chicken wire.
  • Tuesday July 15th, 1919: 
    • Moved out to another camp
    • Got classified and Inspected.  put in Casual Co. 27.  Moved to another camp same day same old stuff.  A casuals life is hell.
  • Thursday July 17th, 1919: 
    • had inspection + bath got orders to move down to the docks in the morning. Orders changed Only 30 men to go Thank God.  I’m one of the lucky ones.
  • Friday July 18th, 1919:
    • 6 a.m. all packed ready to move out at 7 a.m. Brest Casual Co: #2791 18th Hiked down to dock at 7 O’clock waited around till 3 in the afternoon.  The rest of the bunch comes down in trucks and go aboard the same boat with us.  Holland Line ships “Zeelandia”.  Takes 12 or 13 days to make the trip. oh-la-la!! 
  • Sunday July 20th, 1919:
    • Fair Weather still continues.  everything going fine.  Struck first detail today.  Passed three ships.
  • Monday July 21st, 1919:
    • Foggy in the a.m. Cleared up fine.  Passed one sail boat.
  • Tuesday July 22nd, 1919:
    • Getting a little rough. Seas came over forward deck all day and night. Got two or three shower baths and lost my dinner by being filled up with salt water. Passed a square rigged sailor with 21 sails set.  Some boat.
  • Wednesday July 23rd, 1919: 
    • A few rollers left but cleared up fine.
  • Thursday July 24th, 1919:
    • Rough all day with a little rain. just making headway most of the time.
  • Friday July 25th, 1919:
    • Everybody lined up for shower bath same time no soap and salt water
  • Saturday July 26th, 1919:
    • Clear + fine been in Gulf Stream for some time. Slept on deck and got caught in a shower. Never again.
  • Sunday July 27th, 1919:
    • Clear as usual nothing doing. Saw small octopus in a.m.
    • USS Zeelandia 900 miles from N.Y.
    • Will Teague Brenham Texas
  • Monday July 28th, 1919:
    • Great weather sea is smooth as a looking glass. Passed three 2 stackers
  • Tuesday July 29th, 1919:
    • 5 A.M. Thunder shower cleared up fine by seven.  Good boxing in the evening
  • Wednesday July 30th, 1919:
    • A little cooler but clear.  Fine all day, no land in sight at 8 p.m.
  • Thursday July 31st, 1919: NEW YORK, NY
    • Sighted land at 2-30 a.m.  Breakfast at 4 o'clock. Docked at 8 o'clock. Had a wonderful feed by the Red Cross. Milk, buns ice cream + pie. Took ferry up by Broklyn Bridge and had a great view of the waterfront of New York + Broklyn. Entrained for Camp Mills to get de-"cootied".

  • Friday August 1st, 1919:
    • Fixing up service records
  • Saturday August 2nd, 1919:
    • Final physical exam in a.m.
  • Tuesday August 5th, 1919:
    • Leaft N.Y. for home 10 a.m.

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