Sunday, October 16, 2016

David Joy Wright (1851-1908) W2 - Inventory of Estate, my take

In the last post, I transcribed the Inventory of the Estate of David Joy Wright.  AS I said, there appears to be a page missing.  I think it mostly contained information on David's debts.  The letter seems to have been written to Mr. E.E. Woods, Sr.  Not really sure what his relationship was to the family, but he may have been their solicitor.  

Unfortunately, the version of the document I have does not list the value of the house.  Given the comments, it looks like David may have had some heavy outstanding debts including a mortgage on the Homestead.  The writer of the letter is recommending that the family sell of some of the land, the animals and the carriages to help pay the debt off.  

Some of the insurance policies where transferred to his partner, J.L. Draper.  It also appear the David owned him money, but there was a disagreement as the whether any of it had been paid back.  

The Ned referenced throughout the document is probably David's son Edward Wright.  They also discuss my grandfather David Sanders Wright not being of age, so needing to have someone appointed as his guardian for a month, until David S. turns 18.  

The S.W. Reed referenced in one of the notes is David's Mother-in-Law, and the L.S. Sanderson is her sister.  

On a final note, the comment that the family had made pets out of some of the horses is definitely a Wright trait!

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