Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A quick word of explanation

This is just a quick post to explain how I plan to proceed, my numbering, and how the blog functions. I am planning on working my way back through the generations creating biographies of each ancestor.  Some will have quite a bit more information then others and unfortunately, I only have a first name for some of my ancestors.  That will drive the number of post about a person.  I'll also slip in side posts about interesting facts and locations.  Additionally, I'll continue to post things like my Grandfather's World War I diary.  FYI, more entries on that soon.

Each time I post on an individual, I'll include numbering schema that should help tie individuals together.  As an example, my grandfather Ervin Earl Putnam will be P1 for Putnam 1.  His father Amos Putnam will be P2 and mother Cora Carpenter P3.  His wife, Mary Connelly will be C1.  The Wrights will start with a W and the Smiths an S.

I am also adding tags to all of the post.  They are either based on the Surname, location or grouping such as World War I.  I will also tag individuals who have a lot of posts.  If you look at the top of the blog, you can see a word cloud of these tags.  the bigger the tag, the more posts under it.  If you click on it, it will filter the blog to just those posts.

I am also trying to add a location to every posts.  this is on top of embedding maps where ever I can.

Now I'll drop the boring about stuff and get back to the interesting bits.

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