Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Location of David Sanders Mills

 I found the location of David Sanders Gris and Lumber mills, shop, his home and the home of Benjamin Franklin read on a 1858 map of Whitely, MA on the Whatley Historical Society page.

Here is the full map:

1858 Map of Whately, MA
1858 Map of Whately, MA

The properties are in the south central area of the map and here is a close up showing them.  David Sanders is labeled David Saunders on the map and Benjamin Franklin Reed ids R.F. Reed.  

Close up of Mill location, Whately, MA
Close up of Mill location, Whately, MA

 Here is a currently map of western Massachusetts for reference:


  1. What kind of “ship” would navigate West Brook?

  2. Thanks for catching that, corrected to shop
