Monday, May 1, 2017

April 29th, 1961 Harvey Hotel Paris France

Sorry I missed a few days.  I'll try and catch up.
  • April 29th, 1961
  • Harvey Hotel Paris France
  • Some cloudiness-mild
  • This am woke up to find I had left my pocketbook downstairs in the hotel where we had been watching television the night before.  In quite a dither until I found that they had put it away for me. Trip to Versailles this afternoon. Palace at Versailles is a marvel of richness and beauty. Quite a day as we had been to the Effie Tower in the morning - going up in it for a wonderful view - and having a nice lunch at the restaurant there. There is a lot of walking to get buses before you get started on your sightseeing, so one gets quite tired. Had dinner at La Bonne Fourchette un Rue St. Honore. Very good. Wine excellent. Ask Daddy.

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