Thursday, March 9, 2017

Dissecting the Berkshire Eagle article for information

Let's see what information we can glean from the first part of the article:

Mr. McCann, Now in Pittsfield, Has Held One Position in New York 41 Years

  • George has been in New York for at least 41 year and working at the same place
In charge of the Stuyvesant building, 142 East 18th street, for 41 years, until this summer he had never had a week's vacation.  Remarkable record that. Feeling that a change would be beneficial, his physician advised him to get away from the noise and tumult of the great city and hike to the hills.

"You don't need any medicine. All you want is the tonic of the Berkshires," his medical adviser told him and that is how it happens that man 77 years old, somewhat below the medium height, but well built, active, clear of brain and as straight as an arrow, his hair and closely chopped beard pure white is staying for a season at the pleasant residence of Mrs. Connor at 576 North street. 

  • He is 77 years old at the time of the visit.
  • He is staying at Mrs. Connor's residence, 576 North street (though I don't think this is relevant)

In coming to this city Mr. McCann was accompanied by his only child, a daughter, who has returned to New York to look after the duties which her kindly father had abandoned for a while.

  • He has a daughter who is living with him in New York

Thirty-two years ago Mr. McCann's wife died and husband and daughter of the immediate family remain.  Bartley Cummings and George H. Walsh, both in public service of Pittsfield, are nephews of Mr. McCann's.

  • He has two nephews living in Pittsfield, Bartley Cummings and George H. Walsh
Born in Ireland Mr. McCann, when a child, came to Pittsfield with his mother.  His father had died in the old county. He attended the common schools of Pittsfield.  Way back in 1851 Mr. McCann was employed in a machine shop conducted at different times by McKay & Hoadley and by Dodge & Francis.  Upon leaving this city while a young man Mr. McCann went to New York where he was employed for a time by Brown Brothers & Company, the bankers and brokers. He filled other positions and finally was given charge of the Stuyvesant building. He has a considerable force of men employed under him there now.  He has apartments in the block and is entirely responsible for its management.
  • He was born in Ireland
  • Came to U.S. with mother as a child
  • Father died in Ireland before the family immigrated
  • Lived in Pittsfield in 1851, so the family had to immigrate before that
  • He lived in the apartment building where he worked
Mr. McCann's mother died in Pittsfield 20 years ago. She was 95 years of age. She is buried in St. Joseph's cemetery and her son visited her grave the other day. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church.  His father was a Protestant and in religious matters the son as with the father. His wife was a native of Wales and a Protestant.  In Mr. McCann's family were six children, three of them, two sisters and a brother, married Catholics and had membership in the catholic church. Mr. McCann and two other sisters married protestants and attended the Protestant church. A sister of Mr. McCann, who is mother of Bartley Cummings, is 82 years old. She and Mr. McCann are the only members of that family who are living.
  • His other died 20 years earlier in Pittsfield, MA at age 95 so she was born 115 years before the article was written.
  • She is buried at St. Joseph's cemetery.  This is a Catholic cemetery so she was likely a Catholic.
  • George is a Presbyterian
  • His father was a Protestant, which is interesting if his mother was a Catholic
  • There were six children, 2 brothers (George and though the article doesn't state it, John) and 4 sisters
  • 2 sisters and George are Protestants
  • 2 sisters and John are Catholic
  • George and 1 sister are the only ones still alive
  • She is the mother of Bartley Commings and is 82

Lets summarize:
  • Father: A Protestant who died in Ireland married Mother in Ireland, she was a Catholic who was born 115 years before the article was written and died 20 years before writing
    • George McCann, a Presbyterian, born 77 years before the article was written, Immigrated before 1851
      •  Daughter-Lives with George in New York at the time of the article
    • John McCann, married a Catholic, died before the article was written
    • Daughter married a Cummings, is 82 when the article was written
      • Bartley Cummings-lives in Pittsfield, MA
    • Daughter married a Walsh and has passed away before the article
      • George H. Walsh-Lives in Pittsfield, MA
    • Daughter
    • Daughter
Two of the daughters are Catholic and the other two are protestants.  

Since we know George has been living in New York at the same address for 41 years, the next step is to hit the census records.  I'll do that in the next post.

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