Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Family Letters: Fifth letter from Sarah Wheeler Sanders to her daughter Lucy Amy Reed

There are a few words that I have guessed at in this one so if anyone has a better guess let me know.

 Sunday Afternoon

My dear Lillie,

    Tonight I received by the last mail a package from you containing a very nice white apron for was birthday present from you for which I wish to thank you.  The boys are much pleased with their brownie neckties and if they knew I was writing would have done the same thing thanks. Auntie went to Hyde Park yesterday morning for a weeks visit with Aunt Charlotte and I am staying at Jennie's one Sunday expect Elinor tomorrow morning. Jennie is very poorly but is I think feeling some better then a week ago. The boys expect to go to school tomorrow and that will be some relief.  David did not go at all in the winter term but he but he went to church today for the first time in months.  

Uncle Albert Sanderson is very poorly and if the weather had been suitable David would have driven me  up there this afternoon. Received a nice shell comb from Albert for my birthday and Auntie and Jennie gave me a handsome lounge cover for the lounge upstairs and from the boys I had two plants a cornation pink and a heliatroper. We have been cleaning home and the girls went home and have the heaviest part of it done.

Aunt Helen went to Whately Thursday morning but will she think be back again about the first of May.  She expects to go to Calapair before snow flies.  Ned has just come in and sends love and many thanks.  Old Ted is well and has a good apatite.

 Had a letter from cousin Elinor last week.  She left home Christmas day and got home the last of March. Did not hear from Evanston last week but at last accounts are all well.  I hope that your cough is better before this time. I wish you could come here. Write often.

affectionately yours,

Sarah W. Reed

Here is the scanned copy if you want to try and pick out the other words. 

I am not sure who the following people are:

  • Aunt Charlotte
  • Elinor
  • Uncle Albert Sanderson
  • Aunt Helen
  • Old Ted-I expect Old Ted is an animal
  • cousin Elinor


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Family Letters: Forth letter from Sarah Wheeler Sanders to her daughter Lucy Amy Reed

 April 16 1905

Sunday Afternoon

My dear Lillie.

    We are having a bright beautiful day but the wind is very cold like March. We have had some nice warm days the grass is very green and the maples and elm trees are in bloom.  The men of the family have gone to ride and to look for cirbutus which are in bloom. This is David S. birthday eighteen years old. It seems barely feasible. Jennie has not felt very well for a few days.  She works altogether too hard and always if and the spring weather.  She is cleaning house and with her other work is much more then than she ought to do.  Aunt Lucy is felling very well these days lives on the terrace several hours everyday when the weather is comfortably. Aunty had a nice letter from Cousin [ILLEGABLE] last week all about as usual and Will Sanders has another Bug.

I think they are all well at Evanston.  I received silk very beautiful a shirt waist from Rebecca last week and said if I would come out there she would make it fit me. Aunt Lucy and Jennie gave me [ILLEGABLE] for a dress and the boys two pairs of stockings. Thank you for your pretty collars. I am glad to know that you are thinking of surrounding yourself with Gods people. It has been my prayer for you many years and may Our Heavenly Father enable you to live to his glory. You were not  [ILLEGABLE] in infancy and I have often wished that my children had been.

I am very anxious to have our boys know Christmas now in their early days but they seem [ILLEGABLE] Unconcerned and indifferent to spiritual things. Wont you pray for them that they my become the servants of God. That they may be blessings to them that they may lead holy and useful lives. I do so much wish that you could live nearer to us where we could see you often. It would be such a comfort. How is John since his ulcer. I think the weather we had this spring has been very bad for his rheumatism. I hope his cough is much better.

Jennie is having some trouble with a blister on her hand which troubles her some about walking.  What do you hear from mother Lawrence and liver another as well as usual.  I believe that Rebecca birthday is the 24 of April.

David has just took a new milch cow and her calf.

Give to my love to John and tell him I hope he will be much better. [ILLEGABLE].

With much love

Yours affectionally

S.W. Reed

Here is the scanned copy if you want to try and pick out the other words. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Family Letters: Third letter from Sarah Wheeler Sanders to her daughter Lucy Amy Reed

Sarah Wheeler Sanders
Sarah Wheeler Sanders


Monday Morning

Dear Lillie

    Your letter came on Saturday but it seems to have mislaid and I did not see it until this morning. I got one from Jannie within the same day of yours but that was received Saturday.  I think it will be a good thing for you to have a change but I am think Pounco will miss you but it will not hurt him. I am getting along well and felt as if I might go home when Albert goes to New York which will be next week.  He expects to leave Chicago Tuesday night and be in N.Y. Thursday morning. He does not know but hopes to go to Northampton. If he does will probably [ILLEGABLE] Sunday.

Last week I went to the [ILLEGABLE] with Rebecca.  One of her friends [ILLEGABLE] with a concierge and took me [ILLEGABLE]  and brought one back and one evening went to hear Prof. Willet lecture on Friday we went to lunch with Mrs. Hasfham and had a pleasant time. I went to church yesterday for the first time since I came here.

Amy is having a very bad cold and was in bed all day yesterday and Albert thinks she has a good deal of fever this morning but she seems much better then she did yesterday.

Rebecca is just as busy as ever [ILLEGABLE] go some where every day.  She is going on one of her speaking tours next week will be gone [ILLEGABLE] night. I had a letter from Cassie Smith last week which I must answer soon. I think she feels that Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Marsh are both of them very feeble.

I [ILLEGABLE] John  did get the situation at Battle Creek as you said nothing about it.  It would of course be a disappointment but we do not what is best for us but there is one who does and it is well if we can leave all to him,  Remember me to John.

Yours affectionately

write often S.W. Reed

Here is the scanned copy if you want to try and pick out the other words. 

  • Charles
  • Mrs. Foobes
  • Old Ted, who I believe to be an animal
  • Auntie
  • Mary Wilson
  • Mrs. McCloud
  • Pounco, I'm thinking another animal
  • Prof. Willet
  • Mrs. Hasfham
  • Cassie Smith
  • Mrs. Parsons
  • Mrs. Marsh