Friday, March 18, 2022

Photo Friday: Some more Wright Family Photos


Possibly Roger Hines, 1920
Possibly Roger Hines, 1920

George Wright, 1932
George Wright, 1932

Wright Family, 1932
Wright Family, 1932

Charles or George Wright, 1933
Charles or George Wright, 1933

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Irish Update: My wife's branches of the family (Carey, Orr, and Welch)


Castlehacket House, County Galway, Ireland
Castlehacket House, County Galway, Ireland

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

So looking at my wife's side of the family we a number of Irish connections.  I have not done as much research on this side yet, but I can already show that my wife is 32% Irish.  My Father-In-Law was 33% and my Mother-In-Law is 31%.  Both of my in laws have taken a DNA test and it shows that my Father-In-Law is 59% Irish and has DNA matches in the areas of Galway, Lough Corrib/Lough Mask, North and North West County Mayo. My Mother in Law is only showing as 14% Irish, but also 19% Scottish.  


  • My wife's Second Great Grandfather Michael Carey(abt 1842-abt 1900), born in Galway, Ireland
  • My wife's Second Great Grandmother Bridget Thornton(1845-1923), born in Galway, Ireland
  • My wife's Forth Great Grandmother Margery Kerns(1788-1853), likely born in Ulster, Ireland
  • My wife's Fifth Great Grandfather Peter Kearns(1740-1829), born in Ulster, Ireland
  • My wife's Fifth Great Grandmother Anna Jordan(abt 1745-UNKN), born in Ireland


  • My wife's Third Great Grandmother Alice Brady(1821-1895), likely born in Ardagh, County Longford, Ireland, arrived in 1823.
  • My wife's Forth Great Grandfather Edward Brady(1783-1865), likely born in Ardagh, County Longford, Ireland, arrived in 1823.
  • My wife's Forth Great Grandmother Alice Brady(1793-1865), likely born in Ardagh, County Longford, Ireland, arrived in 1823.


  • My wife's Second Great Grandfather John Welch(abt 1822-1871), likely born in Cloyne, County Cork, Ireland
  • My wife's Second Great Grandmother Bridget Hennessey(1829-1894), born in Longford, Ireland
  • My wife's Third Great Grandmother Catherine Cassidy(1823-1875), born in Monahagn, Ireland
  • My wife's Forth Great Grandfather Michael Cassidy(1794-1876), born in Monahagn, Ireland
  • My wife's Forth Great Grandmother Catherine Kent(1789-1885), born in Monahagn, Ireland

Here is how my wife is related to each of them:

  • My Wife
    • John Francis Carey III(1939-2021)
    • My Mother-in-Law
      • Michael Phillip Welch(1913-1979)
        • Edward B. Welch(1855-1924)
          • John Welch(1822-1871), Irish Immigrant
          • Bridget Hennessey(1829-1894), Irish Immigrant
        • Mary Josephine Pelroy(1873-1955)
          • Pierre Joseph Pelroy(1848-1928)
            • Catherine Cassidy(1823-1875), Irish Immigrant
              • Michael C. Cassidy(1794-1876), Irish Immigrant
              • Catherine Kent(1789-1885), Irish Immigrant

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Irish Update: Wright and Smith Branches

Standing Stone, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland
Standing Stone, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

 As I said in the last post, my DNA makeup is 29% Irish and 25% Scottish.  A lot of that comes from my mother's side of the family.  Before she passed away, she also took the DNA test along with one of her brothers and her sister.  Research wise, my mother's ancestors are  25% Irish.  The Scottish ancestry goes back further then I have researched. Here are the DNA results:

My Results29%25%
Caroline Wright29%8%
Catherine Wright26%14%
George Wright29%13%

Her DNA results also shows that her family came from the north part of County Mayo.

Smith Branch

The Wright Branch does not have any Irish ancestry but the Smith Branch does.  My Grandmother Florence Edna Smith was 50% Irish.  Here are her Irish immigrant Ancestors:
  • My 2nd Great Grandfather John McCann(1831-1910), born in County Mayo, Ireland
  • My 2nd Great Grandmother Mary Clasby(1834-UNKN), born in Capptaggle, Ireland and arrived 1850 aboard the Princess Alice
  • My 3rd Great Grandmother Mary Hughes(1805-1884), born in County Mayo, Ireland

Here is how I am related to each of them:

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Irish Update: Putnam and Connelly Branches


Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Given the time of year, I thought I should give an update on who my Irish ancestors were.  I hope to have a bit more information with each post, but you never know.  I'll do a post for each branch of my family as well as my wife's. 

According to my DNA result's from Ancestry I am 29% Irish and my research places it more around 25% but there may be more hidden away in earlier generations.  Additionally, I am listed as being 25% Scottish but have only been able to identify 3.5% of my lineage coming from there.  I do know I have some Scot- Irish lineage which may confound the information. My Uncle has also taken the DNA test and Ancestry places him at 25% Irish and 29% Scottish.  This aligns pretty well with my research which place my father at being 24% Irish and 7% Scottish.

Putnam Branch

According to my research my Grandfather Ervin Earl Putnam would have been 11% Irish and 1.6% Scottish.  Here are the Irish immigrant ancestors I have identified for him:

  • My 5th and 6th Great Grandfather Lewis Mitchell(1738-1830), born in County Antrim, Northern Ireland
  • My 6th Great Grandfather John Patrick(1711-1797), born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
  • My 6th Great Grandfather Robert Patterson(1713-1797), born in Ulster, Northern Ireland
  • My 6th Great Grandmother William Lewis Hancock(1695-1769), born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, parents were from England
  • My 6th Great Grandmother Sarah J Bradshaw(1697-UNKN), born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland
  • My 6th Great Grandmother Mary Black(1732-1799), Born in Wicklow, Ireland
  • My 7th Great Grandmother Mary Tuck(1684-1724), born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
  • My 7th Great Grandmother Jane Janet Scott(1689-1783), born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland
  • My 7th Great Grandfather Robert Patterson(1671-1769), born in Glenlace, Antrim, Northern Ireland
  • My 7th Great Grandmother Grizzel McLellan(1673-1756), born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland
  • *My 7th Great Grandfather James Glmore(1702-1758), born in Coleraine, Northern Ireland
  • My 7th Great Grandfather Robert Means(1689-1769), born in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland
  • My 7th Great Grandmother Jean Armstrong(1688-1789), born in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland

Connelly Branch

My Grandmother Mary Gertrude Connelly's Irish ancestry is a bit more recent then my Grandfather's.  I show her as being 38% Irish and 13% Scottish.  Here are the Irish immigrant ancestors I have identified for her:
  • My 3rd Great Grandfather Thomas Connelly(1823-1872), born in Tipperary, Ireland
  • My 3rd Great Grandfather Patrick Eagan(1810-1891), born in Waterford, Ireland
  • My 3rd Great Grandmother Mary McDonald(UNKN-UNKN), born in Roscommon, Ireland

Here is how I am related to each of them:


I took the photograph at the beginning of this post at the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland in May 2019.   

Friday, March 11, 2022

Photo Friday: My Dad's 1931 trip to the beach

 There are a lot of unknown people in these photos. I suspect they are some of the Connelly branch but have know way of identifying them.  I am also not convinced that I've identified my Grandmother Mary correctly in all of these. If anyone else can help, I would really appreciate it!  Also, I have know if idea where this beach is, but would love to find out.  If you want to see all the photos I've posted on Dad, check out the page on the Putnam Wright Chronicles website. 

Ervin Putnam, Robert Putnam, Unknown, Mary Putnam, Aunt Jean Connelly, Richard Putnam, 1931
Ervin Putnam, Robert Putnam, Unknown, Mary Putnam, Aunt Jean Connelly, Richard Putnam, 1931

Mary Putnam, Robert Putnam, Unknown Child and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931
Mary Putnam, Robert Putnam, Unknown Child and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931

Richard Putnam, Mary Putnam, Robert Putnam, and Unknown, 1931
Richard Putnam, Mary Putnam, Robert Putnam, and Unknown, 1931

Robert and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931
Robert and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931

Robert Putnam, Unknown, Richard Putnam, and, 1931 Unknown at the Beach
Robert Putnam, Unknown, Richard Putnam, and Unknown at the Beach, 1931

Robert Putnam at the Beach, 1930 or 31
Robert Putnam at the Beach, 1930 or 1931

Robert Putnam, Unknown, and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1930 or 1931
Robert Putnam, Unknown, and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1930 or 1931

Robert, Mary, Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931
Robert, Mary, Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931

Mary Putnam, Unknown, Robert Putnam, Unknown, Richard Putnam, Unknown, Unknown at the Beach, 1931
Mary Putnam, Unknown, Robert Putnam, Unknown, Richard Putnam, Unknown, Unknown at the Beach, 1931

Robert Putnam, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931
Robert Putnam, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown and Richard Putnam at the Beach, 1931

Robert, Ervin, Richard and Mary Putnam at the Beach, 1931
Robert, Ervin, Richard and Mary Putnam at the Beach, 1931

Here are some other random photos of Dad from 1931:

Richard, Mary and Robert Putnam at the camp, 1931
Richard, Mary and Robert Putnam at the camp, 1931

Robert Putnam, Florence, MA, 1931
Robert Putnam, Florence, MA, 1931

Friday, March 4, 2022