Sunday, March 25, 2018

May 31st, 1961-Meadow House & the Mews, London

  • May 31st, 1961
  • Meadow House & the Mews, London
  • Mild-sunny-fairly clear for Eng.

This morning we came up to London with Ann’s father, Mr. Gordon Cambell, who has a Queen’s appointment to something or other connected to the Courts. He put us on the train for Baker Street (ancient haunt of Sherlock Holmes) and we took a cab from there to the mews. The mews (formerly the Kings’ stable) have been modeled into apts. And Peter bought one some years ago. It is very quaint, and we had tea there. Then went down to Kew by boat to see the gardens; and from there to Hampton Court by bus. Wonderful to see and recall its history. Back to the mews for supper and then Peter drove us over London to see some of it at night. Room for the night at Morton Hotel, the poorest we have had yet. Peter drove Dad to see Lord’s the famous cricket field.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

May 30th, 1961-Meadow House, Brentwood, Essex

  • May 30th, 1961
  • Meadow House, Brentwood, Essex
  • Sunny-fairly mild

Got our packing done in good time this morning. Labels made and pasted on and off to Waterloo Station to ship them to Southampton. After ridding ourselves of them, we set out to find a hotel for tomorrow night. Darby, Epson Downs, Cricket and Tourists had filled everything up and we had some difficulty, but managed to get the Morton in Wobam place, Russell Sq. Took a boat down the Thames to Greenwich. Very nice ride and a fine view of Tower of London and Traitors Gate from the water. Caught the express to Brentwood and was in good time for High Tea. Ann’s mother home from the hospital today and we called on her in the morning.

Friday, March 23, 2018

May 29th, 1961-St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea

May 29th, 1961
St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea
Sunny early a.m. - Cold, rainy later

Went in to Hastings this morning to have my hair done. Very nice shop and service. Began to rain hard as we came back. Good for the gardens. They certainly need it. In spite of England’s cloudy, lowering weather there has been very little rainfall since we have been here.
This afternoon Kay, Dad and I came up to London and caught the train to Brentwood. Letter waiting from Helen. Nice supper with lots of fun and laughter. Key left for the mews about 9:30 pm. To bed fairly early. Tomorrow we must pack and get all our bags to Waterloo Station for shipping.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

May 28th, 1961-St Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea

  • May 28th, 1961
  • St Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea
  • Sunny early a.m. turning cold & rainy

Another fairly quiet day. Good we cancelled the Cambridge trip as the day turned very cold and rainy after a bit of sun in the a.m. Went to 9:30 am Mass and walked by the sea going and coming. A bit longer but well worth it. Had a lovely dinner-roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and continued reading my book. All rested in the afternoon and then Dad and I went riding with Kay. Television after tea this evening. Shirpa, the great black cat, determined not to be out done by Mandy and her pups, presented us with two kittens in the broom closet. Kittens found by accident when Kay suspected that Shirpa was acting peculiarly.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

May 27th, 1961-St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea

May 27th, 1961
St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea
Cold, clear, sunny

A bitterly cold day for this time of year, especially with the sun shining so brightly. Decided to stay home and relax. Ran across a book “The Windsor Tapestry” by Compton Mackenzie which I shall try to get it at home to finish. It is an account of the life and abdication of Edw VIII, Went down to Hastings in the late afternoon with Kay to do a little shopping. No fresh fish at the great fish market as it was too choppy for the fishmonger to go out. Bought some cooked lobster and Dad made a nice lobster salad for tea. To bed early to read and rest. Nice to relax after two days of constant riding.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

May 26th, 1961-St Norbert’s Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex

  • May 26th, 1961
  • St Norbert’s Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex
  • Cold, some cloudiness with evening

Kay got back from London about voice a.m. and Anne, her girl, having packed a picnic lunch for us, we set out in Kay’s car for Canterbury.  Canterbury is thriving town, very old in buildings and atmosphere. The Roman pavement has been overlaid and shops are on the spot now. Visited St. Thomas Catholic Church, and the Cathedral at Canterbury where Roman Catholicism merges with Reformation. Went to tea at a little shop nearby and had hot tea and toasted scones with jam. Kay did nobley on the driving end of it, and we reached home at about 8:30 pm. Lovely dinner of fresh salmon and peas. Joan called, also Jim. We called of the Cambridge trip and will stay at Bexhill until Monday.  Saw Readeau Castle built 600 years ago see brochure

Monday, March 19, 2018

May 25th, 1961-St Norbert’s & Tunbridge Wells Kent

  • May 25th, 1961
  • St Norbert’s & Tunbridge Wells Kent
  • Sunny, warm, cold in evening

This morning we set our for Tunbridge Wells Kent to see Joan and family. Kay was on her way to London so we company as far as Tunbridge Wells.  John and little Henry met us at the station and drove us to their home. It is a lovely old English home with spacious lived-in rooms and the inevitable garden. Her children 3 boys are handsome and robust and we enjoyed them and our visit immensely. Went for a stroll in the afternoon before tea. Lovely late supper and a chat before the fireplace while awaiting train time. Dizzy (Dr Dean) drove us to the station and saw us safely on the train. Later Joan called to see we had found a taxi at this end and were safely home. Nice day!


Sunday, March 18, 2018

May 24th, 1961-St Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex

  • May 24th, 1961
  • St Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex
  • Clear, sunny, cool, warm late in p.m.

Another lovely day, England does have days when the sky is a blue bowl. We were beginning to doubt it. Kay busy this morning, so I walked down to the sea. Dad was playing golf again with Peter. After a nice lunch served on the porch, we all went in Peter’s car to see the boys play cricket. Their school was matched against another nearby one. Unfortunately Summerfields lost. James and Charles made a good showing though my knowledge of cricket is very meager.  After the game (satisfying tea at intermission) Peter drove us into the country. We saw Ashburnham a lovely and vast estate which the heir is stripping of timber to pay off taxes, etc. Too bad to see such an attractive spot going piecemeal.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

May 23th, 1961St Norberts Bexhill-on-Sea

  • May 23th, 1961
  • St Norberts Bexhill-on-Sea
  • Clear, sunny, cool

Today Kay drove us down to Maidstone in her new little car (Auston) although just learning to drive she makes a fine chauffeur. We went to see Leeds Castle and our “Queen Mary friend” Marjorie Bonet. Unfortunately we missed Marjorie as she was out, but we were able to drive around the castle and get some pictures of the castle and the grounds. Had a lovely picnic lunch enroute. Showed slides tonight on Pete’s projector after a very nice dinner.

Will write a letter to Marjorie when we return to America. Left her a note telling her we were there.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

May 22nd, 1961-St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, England

  • May 22nd, 1961
  • St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, England
  • Cool-clear, sunny

A perfect day-clear and sunny. Slept wonderfully and spent most of the day in the hammock in Kay’s garden. Very relaxing after the pressure upon us traveling during the past few weeks. Dad and Peter off for some golf this morning. Back about 3 pm when we had a porch lunch. A lazy afternoon with everyone resting either in the house or garden. After tea Dad and I walked down to the beach in the lovely evening sunshine. Ocean never more beautiful-dark blue with snowy breakers lapping the shore. In the evening Peter drove us all to Hastings to see the lights and the castle lighted up.  The Canbarra new 45,000 ton liner sailed by all lighted.  Very beautiful. On its way to Australia on its maiden voyage.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

May 21st, 1961-Fishguard, and London-then Bexhill: Cardiff, Swansea, Fishguard all in Wales

  • May 21st, 1961
  • Fishguard, and London-then Bexhill Cardiff, Swansea, Fishguard all in Wales
  • Clean, Sunny-Cloudy, cool in London

Steward woke us at Fishguard and brought us big mugs of hot tea at 3:00 a.m. The air was soft and mild when we came out to the train. Our compartment empty until Swansea when a very nice couple with their little girl occupied it with us to London. Got a taxi from Paddington Station to Victoria and connected immediately with the London train. Had the compartment to ourselves all the way to Bexhill.  Steward brought us tea and sandwiches.  Charles and James were waiting at train stop for us and Peter drove us all to St. Norbert’s.  We had been warned about traveling at Whitsun but had absolutely no trouble. In the evening Peter drove us to the boys school and then on to Rye*, one of the oldest towns in England. Lovely old church and homes. Home to a supper cooked by Kay.

* At Rye we came upon a group of men in Old English Costumes dancing in the street to ancient music played by a fiddler (Morris Dancers)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

May 20th, 1961-Wexford, Ireland (Hotel Talbot)

  • May 20th, 1961
  • Wexford, Ireland (Hotel Talbot)
  • Warm and sunny.

Woke to a glorious morning-bright sunlight, ocean sparkling.  Took a long walk along the oceanfront and saw the fishermen mending their nets and painting their boats.  Our guide from yesterday came to the hotel with a gift for us - a small linen mat trimmed with real irish lace.  A most engaging gesture and typical of the warm hearts of the Irish.  Had dinner at the hotel and High Tea before we got our train for Rosslare Harbor.  News of a man drowning at Wexford by the conductor of the train. Boat cabin very adequate and weather more agreeable than when we took the boat for Ireland. Went to bed early as we must be up for the 3:55 am train to London tomorrow morning.

Monday, March 12, 2018

May 19th, 1961-Wexford, Ireland

  • May 19th, 1961
  • Wexford, Ireland
  • Sunny-Fairly Warm

Found a car and chauffeur to take us over the surrounding country.  Chauffeur, Bryant Kennedy, wonderful companion and excellent guide.  Visited Titania’s Palace, the world’s most perfect miniature structure conceived by Sir Nevile Wilkinson at his Mt. Merrion home south of Dublin. * Had dinner at Wooden Bridge hotel in the Vale of Avoca. Then visited Glendaloch, County Wicklow where we saw the Chapel of St. Kevin, the ruins of the community church there and the oldest Norman Round Tower in Ireland, where the monks sought refuge with the sacred vessels when attacked.  Some of the most beautiful of scenery in Ireland.  Visited the rivers made famous by Thomas Moore, Irish Poet, in his “meeting of the waters”

*Daughter saw a fairy in her garden and father conceived idea of building a fairy palace for Titania and Oberon.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

May 18th, 1961-Rosslare Boat and Wexford, Ireland

  • May 18th, 1961
  • Rosslare Boat and Wexford, Ireland
  • Cloudy in a.m. turning sunny
Arrived at Rosslare Harbor after a rather rolling ocean voyage in the wee small hrs of the morning. Train to Wexford after a very excellent breakfast on board ship. Wexford is a small quaint town 13 miles from Rosslare.  The hotel (Talbot) is rated A by the Irish guide for hotels and our room with bath is very comfortable. Went out to explore the place - pop 12,000- area on of the driest and sunniest in Ireland.  Streets very narrow.  In 1649 Cromwell occupied the town and massacred the inhabitants.  People very friendly and all give greetings as they pass.  Bought a little dress for Kathleen and a sweater for Dick Sr.  Dad wishes to move on as there is little to hold one here.  He is out scouting tickets to Dublin.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

May 17th, 1961-Meadow House Fishguard Wales + Rosslare Boat en-route to Ireland

  • May 17th, 1961
  • Meadow House Fishguard Wales + Rosslare Boat en-route to Ireland
  • Sunny-Fairly Warm
Wrote some letters this morning and posted them-probably all the letters I'll write until we are home again. Received a lot of mail which has been following us around. Ann drove us to the station and we caught the 1:20 train for London.  Drove across to Paddington station by taxi and caught the train for Fishguard where we boarded the boat for Rosslare.  Had a de-lux cabin booked but found it had been given to some man by mistake.  After rousing the occupant, they decided to give us another similar one to which we agreed. Had a good laugh about it especially the Porter, who said he'd wait around to pick up the pieces.

Friday, March 9, 2018

May 16th, 1961-Meadow House, Brentwood, Essex

  • May 16th, 1961
  • Meadow House, Brentwood, Essex
  • Fair, intermittent cloudiness

Dad went to London today and I set out for a nice long walk. A bit on the chilly side but warn when the sun came out. Met some gypsies who said I was to be very lucky and wished to read my palm but I had no money with me.

Dad came back to say that he had tickets for the boat train to Ireland for tomorrow. So we are off again. Called Kay and she wants us at Bexhill after we come back from Ireland. Time is getting short, we’ll soon be for America.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

May 15th, 1961-Meadow House, Brentwood

  • May 15th, 1961
  • Meadow House, Brentwood
  • Cloudy w/sunshine late afternoon

Went to London to see about tours to Scotland or Ireland. Dropped into Cunard Lines to pick up labels for our luggage and found that a mistake had been made on our tickets. Queen Mary sails on the 24th-our date, June 1st, is for the Queen Elizabeth.  Although Queen Mary is listed on ticket.  Will go in tomorrow to see about rectifying this.  Had a nice dinner at the Chicken Inn + got some information on a voyage to Southern Ireland.  Ann’s mother operated on this morning. Word tonight is encouraging. Will more later.  Supper in the drawing room with Ann’s father as additional guest. Very pleasant.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

May 14th, 1961-London and Meadow House, Brentwood, Essex, Eng.

  • May 14th, 1961
  • London and Meadow House, Brentwood, Essex, Eng.
  • Cool-cloudy-some sun in the a.m.

Went to Mass at St. Mary of Moorfields near our hotel in London. Had a wonderful breakfast at our hotel before starting for Brentwood. Train to Brentwood packed with people and had to sit on my suitcase most of the way. Found Meadow House its usual hospitable best, and we were very glad to see everyone again. The garden has come out a lot since our last visit and it was pleasant sitting in the sun.  Unfortunately this didn’t last too long as the weather clouded up after our arrival, and turned cool for the rest of the day. Sorry to find Ann’s mother in the hospital.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

May 13th, 1961-The Hague, Harwich, England

  • May 13th, 1961
  • The Hague, Harwich, England
  • Clear, sunny, fairly mild

Had an early breakfast and took the boat train for the Hook of Holland. There we boarded the steamer to cross the North Sea to Harwich. All went smoothly through customs.  Very nice dinner and high tea on board the boat. Secured deck chairs when we got aboard and had the sunny side of the deck. Very relaxing trip. Sea calm and no pitch to boat. Arrived in London about 8:40 PM and secured accommodations at the Great Eastern Hotel.  Excellent room and everything comfortable and very clean.  Went to bed immediately as we were pleasantly tired and must be up to look for a church tomorrow morning.

Monday, March 5, 2018

May 12th, 1961-The Hague, Holland

  • May 12th, 1961
  • The Hague, Holland
  • Clear, Sunny, Mild

Went through an old Dutch prison now R’yk museum complete with torture chamber, instruments, rooms for common + political prisoners. Saw room in which Cornelius DeWitt was imprisoned, accused of a plot to assassinate Wm the III.  Later he was tortured and sentenced to banishment, but he and his brother who came to get him, were murdered by the mob outside the prison.

Went shopping for a few more gifts for people at home.  Had a lovely dinner at the hotel. They can’t locate a room at a London hotel for us, so we shall just have to take our chances when we get there.  Strolled about the old part of town and saw many old buildings most likely old parliamentary buildings and Govt. offices.

Cornelis de Witt, door Jan de Baen.jpg

By Jan de Baen - Dordrechts Museum, Public Domain, Link

Sunday, March 4, 2018

May 11th, 1961-The Hague, Holland

  • May 11th, 1961
  • The Hague, Holland
  • Cold, raw, windy, cloudy

A wonderful nights sleep-we were really tired.  Nice breakfast in hotel dining room and the out to explore the city.  It is some sort of Holy day* and all the stores were closed. Went over to the station and bought our tickets for Harwich, England, for Saturday.  We go by boat train to Hook of Holland and then across the North Sea (+ hrs) to Harwich. This afternoon we went to see the Miniature Village at Madurodam. Took a lot of pictures through the sun was not out, so results will not be good. Had tea at the Hotel Lounge and finally got our luggage, Pajamas-hurray!

*Discovered later it was Ascension Thursday and I should have been at Mass myself, all messed up on the days.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

May 10th, 1961-Zurich, Switzerland and The Hague, Holland

  • May 10th, 1961
  • Zurich, Switzerland and The Hague, Holland
  • Mostly Sunny

Boarded the train for Holland at 11:20 am and took off about 11:43 am. Passed through France, Belgium and Luxembourg after leaving Switzerland before we entered Holland.  Beautiful country all the way.  Arrived at Grand Hotel Central 6 Lange Poten st about 9:30 PM and found our room ready.  A large pleasant room with adjoining bath. We may not be able to have it more then one night but they promise us something for the rest of our stay. Customs Officer was away on a little vacation and won't be back until tomorrow eve at 7:00 so tonight we must sleep as best as we can without pajamas and toilet articles. Great Life!

Friday, March 2, 2018

May 9th, 1961-Zurich, Switzerland, Du Theatre

  • May 9th, 1961
  • Zurich, Switzerland, Du Theatre
  • Cool, Windy, some Sunniness

Went over to the station this morning and bought tickets for The Hague on the de-lux train, Europa. Got a scarf for Grannie and some socks to go with the boys’ alpine shorts.  The people here differ from those in Paris and Geneva.  In the latter two places, no one noticed anyone else.  Here they will look each other over.  Can it be the change from French to German? This afternoon we took a 5 hr. Trip to Lake Lucerne.  Beautiful scenery-indescribable- with its lakes and mountains.  Stopped at Brunnen on the way back at a little tea room for coffee and cakes.  Passed through village, Berne, made famous by William Tell. Saw towers and fortifications dating back 1000 years.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

May 8th, 1961-Zurich, Switzerland from Geneva

May 8th, 1961
Zurich, Switzerland from Geneva
Fair, sunny, fairly warm

Boarded our train to Zurich in good time and had a very good seat.  Swiss trains are clean and comfortable. Had a splendid dinner on the train with the usual interminable courses.  Before we left Geneva, we made one last purchase - a couple of Swiss horns for David and Dickie.  The hotel where Hotel Alba booked us in Zurich seems reasonably satisfactory. Our room is comfortable and has adjoining bath. After arriving, we explored the city and found a Tourist Bureau where we booked a tour to Lucerne for tomorrow. We leave at 2:00 pm and get back at 7:15 pm.  The hotel is called Hotel Du Theatre and has some very peculiar statuary outside whose meaning is lost to us. Strolled by the Zurichsee this evening.