- May 31st, 1961
- Meadow House & the Mews, London
- Mild-sunny-fairly clear for Eng.
This morning we came up to London with Ann’s father, Mr. Gordon Cambell, who has a Queen’s appointment to something or other connected to the Courts. He put us on the train for Baker Street (ancient haunt of Sherlock Holmes) and we took a cab from there to the mews. The mews (formerly the Kings’ stable) have been modeled into apts. And Peter bought one some years ago. It is very quaint, and we had tea there. Then went down to Kew by boat to see the gardens; and from there to Hampton Court by bus. Wonderful to see and recall its history. Back to the mews for supper and then Peter drove us over London to see some of it at night. Room for the night at Morton Hotel, the poorest we have had yet. Peter drove Dad to see Lord’s the famous cricket field.